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When it comes to Cyber Security, your employees play a pivotal role in ensuring information security. Our Cyber Security awareness training program is created to provide employers and employees with an in-depth understanding of the threats to information security. Our approach empowers your team with the tools needed to protect your data. By properly educating your employees, we reduce your chances of becoming another cyber attack statistic.

Our comprehensive security awareness education ensures that your employee can detect threats and protect your organization and its critical information assets.

The benefits are:

  • Reducing the surface area of cyber security breach.
    Instilling proper behaviors in employees when it comes to handling information and valuable assets.
  • Helping the organization maintain its stability.
  • Improves the reputation of the organisation, information security integration and customer satisfaction.


We offer customizable interactive onsite training to suit every organisation, because we understand each organisation’s unique threat profile and we take that into consideration when deciding the covered subjects.

Our Cyber Security Training Baseline Topics:

  • Antivirus and installing patches
  • Phishing awareness
  • Physical security
  • Desktop security
  • Wireless networks
  • Password security
  • Malware
  • Passwords and Password management
  • Safe internet use
  • Social networking
  • Mobile Device Security
  • Using wireless networks
  • Removable Media
  • Email and Browser security
  • Travel Security


As cybersecurity risks steadily increase, application security has become an absolute necessity. Our secure coding training provide all that you will need to get started developing secure application, by providing you with an understanding of secure development practices. The training consists of several different sessions devoted to particular coding issues and also include practical session which comprises:

  • Using real-world hacking tools to identify software vulnerabilities.
  • Finding vulnerability in code.
    Implementing security controls to defend the code from attacks.
  • A successful defense against application attack starts with empowering developers to build resilient code.

Who Should Attend

  • Software Developers & Software Quality Assurance Professionals.
  • Information Security Engineers.
  • Employees who need a basic understanding of secure coding best practices.

Our secure coding comprises the following elements:

  • OWASP Top 10.
  • SANS Top 25.
  • Microsoft Security
  • Development Lifecycle.

Arm your organization with the best defense

against fast evolving, ever changing threat landscape

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